

May 16, 2024

Advanced Layers in Lottie Creator

🎉 What's new
  • Added features to import animations directly to pre-comp scenes.

  • Introduced new and advanced layer actions: focus, lock, hide.

  • Added feature to preview and export a specific scene (pre-comp)

🔧 Improvements
  • Enabled copying and pasting of objects/keyframes between creator tabs.

  • Included undo/redo functionality for canvas size.

  • Improved rotation interaction on tracks to align with the property panel. 

  • Clicking on empty areas within the timeline now de-selects the selected nodes and keyframes

🪲 Bug fixes
  • Fixed some of the issues with importing JSON files.

  • Fixed reversed-track nudges using hotkeys.

  • Fixed issue with scenes containing duplicated layers not being usable as nested scenes

  • Fixed issue with importing dotlottie files in the creator